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ncc NAME

Shyue-Win Wei

魏學文 委   員

ncc Major Research Areas

Wireless Communications, Digital Transmission Systems, Error-Correcting Codes and Communication VLSI

ncc Experience

2000-               ProfessorDirector

                        Department of Electrical Engineering

                        National Chi Nan University

                        Taiwan, Republic of China

2008-2008       Director

                        Center of Computer and Network

                        National Chi Nan University

                        Taiwan, Republic of China

2002-2008       Chairman

                        Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering

                        National Chi Nan University

                        Taiwan, Republic of China

1998-2000       Professor

                        Department of Electrical Engineering

                        Chung-Hua University

                        Taiwan, Republic of China

1992-1997       Associate Professor

                        Department of Electrical Engineering

                        Chung-Hua University

                        Taiwan, Republic of China

1990-1992       Associate Researcher

Transmission Technology Lab.

Telecommunication Labs. (TL)

Ministry of Transportations and Communications


Taiwan, Republic of China

ncc Education

Ph.D.  (1990/1)     Electronics, Jan. 18, 1990

                             National Chiao-Tung University

                             Taiwan, Republic of China

M.S.  (1986/6)      Communications, June 18,  1986

                             National Chiao-Tung University

                             Taiwan, Republic of China

B.S.  (1980/6)       Telecommunications, June 30, 1980

                             Central Police University

                             Taiwan, Republic of China

ncc Publications

S. W. Wei, and C. H. Wei, "High speed hardware decoder for double- error- correcting binary BCH codes," Proc. IEE, vol. 136, Pt. I, No. 3, pp.227-231, Jun. 1989.
S. W. Wei, and C. H. Wei, "Complete decoding algorithm of (11, 6, 5) Golay code," Electron. Lett., vol. 25,  No. 17, pp.1191-1192, Aug. 1989.
S. W. Wei , and C. H. Wei, "On high-speed decoding of (23, 12, 7) Golay code," IEEE Trans. Information Theory, vol. IT-36, No. 6, pp.692-695, May 1990.
S. W. Wei, C. H. Wei, and L.-S. Wang, " An implementation of high-speed decoder for double- error- correcting binary BCH codes in programmable logic array  chip," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol.13, No.6, pp.665-672, 1990.
W. -J. Chiu, M. -J. Wu, W. -K. Huang and S. W. Wei ,"Loop survey in Taiwan area and feasibility study for HDSL," IEEE J. on Selected Areas in Communications, vol.9, N0.6, pp.801-809, AUG 1991.
S.W. Wei, and H.-C. Ting, “A study on the feasibility and implementation of high bit-rate digital subscriber lines,” (in Chinese), Telecoms Technical Quarterly, vol.11, No.3, pp. 353-371, February 1992.
S.W. Wei, and C.H. Wei, “A high-speed real-time binary BCH decoder,” IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol.3, no.2, pp. 138-147, April 1993.
S.W. Wei, and C.H. Wei, “High speed decoder of Reed-Solomon codes,” IEEE Trans. Commun, vol.COM-41, no.11, pp. 1588-1593, Nov.1993.
S.W. Wei, “A systolic power-sum circuit for GF(2m),” IEEE Trans. Comput., vol.43, no.2, pp.226-229, Feb. 1994.
S.W. Wei, H.-C. Ting, and S.-C. Cheng, “A transceiver system for dual-simplex high-bit-rate digital subscriber lines,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol.17, no.6, pp. 863-869, Nov.1994.
S.W. Wei, S.-T. Leu, and Che-Ho Wei “Transmission capability of discrete multitone modulation for Taiwan’s subscriber loops,’ International Journal of Communication Systems, vol.9, pp. 47-57, 1996.
S. W. Wei, "VLSI architectures for computing exponentiations, multiplicative inverses, and divisions in GF(2m)," IEEE Trans. Circuit & Systems, vol.44, no.10 , pp. 847-855, Nov. 1997.
S. W. Wei, "Simple RLCG model for category-5 cable," IEE Electronics Letters, vol.33, no.25 , pp. 2108-2109, Dec. 1997.
Y.-H. Jan and S. W. Wei, ”Modeling of coaxial cables for hybrid fiber/coax distribution networks,” IEICE technical report. Communication systems, vol.97, no.471, pp. 35-40, 1998.
T.-C. Chen, C.-H. Wei, and S. W. Wei,” A new step-by-step decoding algorithm for Reed-Solomon codes” IEE Proceedings Communications, Vol.147, no.1, pp.8-12, Feb 2000.
S. W. Wei and H.-Y. Wang, "Window-gate for echo canceller of DMT ADSL," IEE Electronics Letters, vol.38, no.11, pp. 532-533, May 2002.
T.-C. Chen, C.-H. Wei, and S. W. Wei,” A pipeline structure for high-speed step-by-step RS decoding ” IEICE Trans. Communications, Vol.E86-B, no.2.,pp., Feb 2003.
S. W. Wei ”On step-by-step complete decoding triple-error- correcting Binary BCH codes” IEICE Trans. Fundamental, Vol.E89-A, no.11.,pp.3360-3362, Nov 2006.
Gen-Horng Chen and S. W. Wei” Sensitivity of carrier frequency offset and MAI in DAPSK-MC-CDMA systems” Wireless Personal Communications, vol.43, no.2, pp.437-447, Nov. 2007.
Y.-J. Huang and S. W. Wei, "Modified guard band power detection methods for OFDM frequency offset recovery," Wireless Personal Communications, vol.45, no.2, pp.163-173, April 2008.
T.-C. Chen, S. W. Wei, and H.-J. Tsai, ”Arithmetic circuit for finite field GF(2m) ," IEEE Trans. Circuit & Systems, vol.55, no.3, pp.828-837, April 2008.
C.-K. Jao, Y.-C. Cheng, and S. W. Wei, "Code selection method for downlink MC-CDMA over frequency selective fading channel," IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, vol.57, no.6, pp. 3875-3879, Nov 2008.
Y.-K. Chen, H. C. Lee, and S. W. Wei,”Modified successive interference cancellation for OFDM signal detection,” IEICE Trans. Commun., vol. E91-B, no.12, pp. 4027-4029, Dec. 2008.
J.-J. You and S. W. Wei, "Performance verification of successive interference cancellation for STBC MIMO-OFDM system with channel correlation," Wireless Personal Communications , vol.50, no.4, pp.529-543, Sep 2009.
H. C. Lee, C.-W. Chen, and S.-W. Wei, “Channel estimation for OFDM system with two training symbols aided and polynomial fitting,” IEEE Trans. Commun, May 2010.