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Events Highlights

Chairperson Shyr leads NCC delegation to Mongolia-Taiwan bilateral meeting in Ulaanbaatar中文
With an objective of strengthening relations with the Communications Regulatory Commission of Mongolia (CRC), NCC Chairperson, Dr. Howard Shyr, led a delegation, consisting of staff from the Department of Planning, the Telecommunications Administration Department and the Television and Radio Administration Department, to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia to attend bilateral meetings with CRC from August 14 to 18. 2013.
 The meetings followed the visit of the CRC delegation to Taipei in March 2010, when both parties signed the Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation in the Fields of Communications, as well as official visits held by both sides in August 2011 and April 2012 respectively — the purpose of which was to exchange experiences in the development and monitoring of telecommunications.
 The latest Mongolia-Taiwan bilateral meeting placed emphasis on information sharing, primarily on the issues of the content and direction of regulations for convergence, mobile communications for next generation networks, and monitoring plans, etc. Members of the CRC delegation were also keen to deepen understanding of universal services, telecom policy and regulations, and 4G licensing in Taiwan.
 In addition to visiting CRC and the Information, Communications Technology and Post Authority of Government of Mongolia, Chairperson Shyr and NCC staff visited telecom operators in Ulaanbaatar, such as Univision LLC, MobiCom Corporation, Skytel Corporation, and Mongol TV.
 The bilateral meetings ended successfully. Members of the Taiwan delegation were keen to share their expertise and gained from the views on industry trend and market development from their Mongolian counterparts. NCC acknowledges the importance of strengthening ties with foreign telecom organizations and understanding policies and regulations in other countries in order to improve efficiency and development of the telecommunications industry in Taiwan.

Mongolia-Taiwan bilateral meeting at CRC, Mongolia

CRC Chairperson BALGANSUREN Batsukh (left) with NCC Chairperson Dr. Shyr

NCC Chairperson Dr. Howard Shyr tests equipment in an LLC van

The NCC delegation joins a presentation at MobiCom Corporation

The visit to Skytel Corporation

Chairperson Dr. Howard Shyr with staff of Mongol TV