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Events Highlights

NCC Commissioner Wei-Ching Wang attended IIC Communication Policy & Regulation Week 2023, sharing experiences of digital platforms governance with international regulators.
The Communications Policy & Regulation Week 2023 (CPR Week) held by International Institute of Communications (IIC) took place from October 16_19, 2023. National Communications Commission (NCC) Commissioner Wei-Ching Wang participated in the International Regulators’ Forum (IRF) as a panelist, sharing experiences of governing digital platforms in Taiwan.

The session, ‘Regulating digital platforms and intermediaries- progress with implementation and enforcement’ was moderated by Andrea Sanders-Winter, Head of Subdepartment Internet, Digitalization and Market Analysis, Federal Network Agency (BNetzA); panelists included Benoît Loutrel from Autorité de régulation de la communication audiovisuelle et numérique (Arcom), Creina Chapman from Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), Jeremy Godfrey from Coimisiún na Meán, Alicia Barin from Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), and Wei-Ching Wang from NCC as panelists. During the session, panelists exchanged insights regarding regulation of digital platforms and their experiences of implementing the EU’s Digital Services Act. Panelists generally agreed that due to the cross-border nature of digital platforms, international regulators should enhance collaboration.

Commissioner Wei-Ching Wang commented on the challenges encountered when promoting governance of digital platforms in Taiwan, and expressed how NCC believes an approach of co-governance with multi-stakeholders should be adopted. The commissioner emphasized how this requires active collaboration with government agencies for internet governance to become effective and mentioned that although the issues of internet governance are diverse, regulators of different countries all share some common public values and goals. She also expressed how they can look forward to promoting international cooperation and exchange experiences in the future.

During CPR Week, Commissioner Wei-Ching Wang also engaged in exchanges with those representing peer regulators, such as FCC Commissioner Geoffrey Starks; both parties discussed a wide range of topics, including the importance of the resilience of satellite communications and AI governance. FCC also sought to understand the progress of universal service in Taiwan, as well as the expectation of various sectors regarding the merger of telecommunication operators. Both parties expressed willingness to continue to strengthen their professional relationship and deepen cooperation.

Through participation in international conferences, NCC ascertains trends and challenges of internet governance, and continues to work closely with all public and private sectors to reach a consensus to achieve the vision of freedom of speech, a trustworthy internet environment and protection of internet users’ rights.
Photo 1: Commissioner Wei-Ching Wang shares the experiences and goals of governance in the digital era.
Photo 1: Commissioner Wei-Ching Wang shares the experiences and goals of governance in the digital era.
Photo 2: NCC Commissioner Wei-Ching Wang and FCC Commissioner Geoffrey Starks
Photo 2: NCC Commissioner Wei-Ching Wang and FCC Commissioner Geoffrey Starks