Commissioner Wei, Shyue-Win spoke at the 2010 EU-Taiwan Telecom Forum, held at the Westin Taipei in the morning of December 7. During his address Commissioner Wei explained how the rapid development of ICT has led to greater innovation in services and products, which, in turn, has led to greater challenges for policy makers. He described how NCC is currently working hard to promote the amendment of the three Acts (Radio and Television Act, Cable Radio and Television Act, and Satellite Broadcasting Act) in Radio and Television Sector and the Telecommunications Act. The purpose of these amendments is to create the most appropriate legal framework that will facilitate the convergence of communications and accelerate innovation and development.
He also described how the NCC is planning for digital television and outlined some of its schemes and goals, such as a digital television in every household, and the completion of the switchover to digital service by the end of December 2012. Commissioner Wei also reaffirmed the intentions of NCC to coordinate closely with the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to determine the most effective use of spectrum, including 700NMz, 900MHz and 1800MHz bands, in order to stimulate further development and provide more innovative services to consumers.
Commissioner Wei went on to explain how the NCC is facing another challenge: effective management of cell phone base stations. He explained how new wireless technology requires different infrastructure for base stations, and how this issue has been much debated. In addition to continually developing policy for effective management of base stations, NCC has drafted the latest Regulations for Administration of Base Stations of Mobile Communications Network Businesses, which are expected to be promulgated by the end of this year.
EU-Taiwan Telecom Forum was organized by European Chamber of Commerce Taipei, and Dr. Jason Lin, Prof. of National Chiao Tung University, Mr. Christophe Forax, Counsellor of ICT and Audiovisual for Asia, European Commission, Dr. Jack Rowley, Director of Research and Sustainability, GSM Association, and Mr. Tole Hart, Senior Analyst of Yankee Group, were all invited to share their insights and observations of the telecom industry.
← Commissioner Wei address in 2010 EU-Taiwan Telecom Forum.