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Events Highlights

NCC Holds Symposium with the Aim of Improving Gender Equality in Television Commercials
With the increasing popularity of mobile games, NCC has received a greater number of complaints concerning television commercials for such games depicting the sexualization and objectification of female bodies or displaying suggestive text. Such content not only has a detrimental effect on children and youths, but also may be in violation of laws.

In line with one of its core objectives - the protection of audience rights - NCC held a symposium on May 3 with the aim of improving gender equality in television commercials. The Satellite Television Broadcasting Association, The Association of Terrestrial Television Network, Taipei Association of Advertising Agencies, Taipei Computer Association, Gender Equality committee of Executive Yuan, as well as various academics were all invited to discuss the issue of sexual objectification in commercials for mobile games and relevant concerns.

After analysing several case studies and related issues, NCC ultimately expects that advertisers and television businesses can be aided to continue improving gender equality in broadcasting media.
Symposium for improving gender equality in television commercials
Symposium for improving gender equality in television commercials
(From left to right) NCC Commissioner Wei-Ching Wang, The Director of the Department of Broadcasting and Content (Chair of symposium) and Deputy Director of the Department of Broadcasting and content
(From left to right) NCC Commissioner Wei-Ching Wang, The Director of the Department of Broadcasting and Content (Chair of symposium) and Deputy Director of the Department of Broadcasting and content
Satellite Television Broadcasting Association discuss the complaints
Satellite Television Broadcasting Association discuss the complaints
Taipei Computer Association introduces a  policy to regulate the mobile games from China
Taipei Computer Association introduces a policy to regulate the mobile games from China
The president of Taipei Association of Advertising Agencies outlines his determination for greater gender equality
The president of Taipei Association of Advertising Agencies outlines his determination for greater gender equality
Participants agree to indicators of gender equality in broadcasting media
Participants agree to indicators of gender equality in broadcasting media