As part of the level 3 COVID-19 restrictions currently taking place in Taiwan, students are required to stay home and learn online. Consequently, the Ministry of Education (MOE) announced that schools should stop classes during the period from May 19th to June 14th. Following this order, PTS 3 has begun broadcasting educational content produced by MOE, entitled PTS Kids.
On May 18th, NCC received a formal request from the Central Epidemic Command Center(CECC) stating that PTS 3 should be requisitioned to broadcast both elementary and high school educational videos during weekday afternoons (1:30 to 4:30) from May 19 to May 28. However, in view of the constant changing situation of COVID-19 outbreak, CECC on May 25th sent a second letter, requesting an extension on the PTS 3 requisition from May 31st until July 2nd, or until students return to school. Thus, the channel will continue broadcasting content from MOE until then. Differing from the first requisition, educational content is also being broadcast in the mornings (10:00 to 11:30).
According to MOE, these teaching videos were made last year with a view to the possible suspension of classes. Consequently, MOE and NCC also reached an agreement in April last year that in case of such an emergency, specific periods on PTS 3 would be used to broadcast such content, which includes technology, art, and even physical education, in the hope that aside from main subjects, students can benefit from a more balanced learning experience.
An educational video being broadcast on PTS 3 for students at home.
Photo: PTS (台灣公共電視網路直播頻道)