On August 17, NCC held a public consultation meeting for proposed recommendations on relevant markets of telecommunications with view to receiving feedback from operators of telecommunications, certain associations, and government agencies.
NCC stated that the Telecommunications Management Act, which has been on a similar approach taken by the EU, introduces market definitions and mechanisms that define specific markets subject to ex-ante regulation, after which an analysis of market competition is conducted and asymmetric ex-ante control measures adopted with respect to significant market power. The aim of such measures is to maintain fair competition in specific telecommunication services markets and accelerate the development thereof. As for other services markets, operators are required to comply with general obligations, giving them more operating flexibility under the market mechanism to facilitate competition.
In accordance with Paragraph 2, Article 27 of the act, as well as Article 2 of Regulations Governing the Determination and Cancellation of Significant Market Power, the proposed recommendation on the relevant markets are based on considerations with regards to level of technology and service development, the importance thereof in the telecommunications service market generally, the region or range of competition and the demand or supply substitutability of that service, and the structure and competition of the telecommunications service market.
The markets that warrant ex-ante regulation includes the following five service markets: retail fixed-line telephone service market, retail fixed-line broadband service market, wholesale fixed-line services market, fixed-line call origination and termination services market, and mobile call origination and termination services market.
NCC expressed that inputs gathered from all circles shall be thoroughly analyzed and considered prior to making a final decision.