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Dedicated Telecommunications

Issue Date:2017/09/18

Administrative Regulations on the Establishment and Operation of Telecommunications Network for the Academic and Education Purpose or Dedicated Experiment, Research and Development Purpose中文

Issue Date [2017/6/13]

Administrative Regulations on the Establishment and Operation of Telecommunications Network for the Academic and Education Purpose or Dedicated Experiment, Research and Development Purpose

(Unofficial Translation)

1. Dian-Sin-Guei-Zih No.0910509538-0, Article 43 of the Full Text Promulgated by the order of the “The Directorate General of Telecommunications Ministry of Transportation and Communications” on November 29, 2002 .

2. Dian-Sin-Jhuan-Zih No.0920508715-0, Article 23, Article 41, Amended and Promulgated by the order of the “The Directorate General of Telecommunications Ministry of Transportation and Communications” on October 3, 2003 .

3. Tong-Chuan-Tzu-Zih No.09605038540, Amended and Promulgated by the order of the National Communications Commissions on April 4, 2007.

4. Tong-Chuan-Fa-Zih No.09605105731, Amended and Promulgated by the order of the National Communications Commissions on July 13, 2008.

5. Tong-Chuan-Tzu-Zih No.09742022340, Article 35, Amended and Promulgated by the order of the National Communications Commissions on November 5, 2008.

6. Tong-Chuan-Tzu-Zih No.10643013230, Amended and Promulgated by the order of the National Communications Commissions on June 13, 2017.



Article 1       These Regulations are promulgated pursuant to Paragraph 5, Article 47 of the Telecommunications Act (hereinafter referred to as this “Act”).

Article 2       The terms of these Regulations are defined as follows:

1.    “Academic and Education Telecommunications Network”: means a communication network that is for academic and educational use as well as comply with the purpose of establishment and operation prescribed by Paragraph 1, Article 5.

2.    “ Experiment, Research and Development Telecommunication Network”: means a communication network that is for experiment, research and development use as well as comply with the purpose of establishment and operation prescribed by Paragraph 2, Article 5.

3.    “Administrators”: means those who establish one part or all of telecommunication facilities of Academic and Education, or Experiment, Research and Development Telecommunication Network by themselves pursuant to this Regulation as well as have been issued licenses approved by the competent authority.

4.    “Subscribers”: means those who register to or contract with administrators to make use of Telecommunications network service provided by them.

5.    “broadcasting and television businesses”: Refers to the broadcasting businesses, television businesses, cable television system operators (cable television program delivery system), satellite broadcasting and television businesses.

Article 3       The competent authority referred to in these Administrative Regulations shall be the National Communications Commission.

Article 4       The applicant applying for the establishment and operation of a telecommunications network for academic and education purposes shall, prior to submitting an application to the competent authority, be approved as an academic and education body by the relevant authority.

The applicant shall gain approval of the competent authority prior to the establishment of the telecommunications network for academic and education or experiment, research and development purposes; after the establishment has been approved and examined and the license issued, the telecommunications network shall be put into use.

The competent authority that reviews applications for the establishment of an Experiment, Research and Development Telecommunications Network may establish a Review Committee.

The procedure of establishing Review Committee in the preceding paragraph shall be instituted by the competent authority.

Article 5       The purposes that establish Academic and Education Telecommunications Network shall comply with one of the following situations:

1.    To support academic, education or research applications.

2.    The construction of Academic and Education Telecommunications Network to promote academic level as well as advance research and development.

3.    To integrate Telecommunications network of academic or educational resources.

The purposes that establish and operate Experiment, Research and Development Telecommunication Network shall comply with one of the following situations:

1.    To test the techniques required for type approval of related equipment of Telecommunications network systems.

2.    To develop or test communication or value-added service for each type of Telecommunications network, so as to develop various kinds of services and content or evaluate the commercial value of services.

3.    To research, develop or test techniques or the related facilities of Telecommunications network system, so as to meet the need for technical research and development.

Article 6       Applicants or administrators shall not utilize Academic and Education, or Experiment, Research and Development Telecommunication Network established to provide Telecommunications service with the behaviors of Telecommunications business or broadcasting and television business that engage in making profit, transgress the operation or lead to misunderstanding by the public.

Applicants or administrators, who provide Academic and Education Telecommunications Network with each kind of Telecommunications service, shall not charge any fee from the subscribers. Nevertheless, those who share the expenses of network construction or the maintenance and operation shall not be limited herein.

Applicants or administrators, who provide each kind of Telecommunications service for Experiment, Research and Development Telecommunication Network, shall not charge any fee from the subscribers. Nevertheless, equipment deposit that collects by two-party contract to ensure facilities that would not be damaged by the subscribers and returned to administrators as scheduled, , and the generated charges for communications, value-added services by connecting with telecommunications businesses or the broadcasting and television businesses shall not be limited herein.

Article 7       Those who apply and establish Academic and Education Telecommunications Network shall be subject to one of the following qualification:

1.    The central or local government authorities that are engaged in academic research or in charge of educational activities.

2.    Educational organizations that establish the related departments or institutes of telecommunications, radio Communication or Information.

3.    Public and private research institutions that devote themselves to the related research on Telecommunications network and radio communication.

Article 8       Those who apply to establish an Academic and Education Telecommunications Network (procedure as Attachment 1) shall prepare and submit the following documents to the competent authority:

1.    Application (as Attachment 2).

2.    Documents approved by the competent authority in charge of the academic and educational services.

3.    A proposal of the establishment.

4.    A CD-Rom containing the application in digitized documents (either PDF or ODF format).

Article 9       The proposal of establishment under Subparagraph 3 of Paragraph 1 of the preceding article shall include the following items:

1.  The purpose and benefits of establishment.

2.    Research items and methods, or a concrete proposal for promoting the nation’s academic, teaching research activity and application development.

3.    The contents of service.

4.    The geographical range, the valid period, conditions for use, and the method for sharing the costs of network construction or maintenance and operation  together with reasons.

5.    Terms of service agreement or contracts.

6.    Methods of network communication and a diagram of system configuration; if interconnecting with other networks, a diagram of interconnection configuration together with reasons shall be attached.

7.    Construction project, schedule and expected costs for network system.

8.    A proposal for the use of frequency (excluded if not operating on radio frequencies).

Subparagraph 8 of the preceding paragraph regarding frequency utilization proposals shall state the following matters with relevant proof of documentation:

1.    The radio station establishment proposal and quantity list.

2.    The intended frequency use, including frequency range, and transmission power used in various experimentation areas.

3.    Air interface specifications.

4.    The mechanism for the prevention of  interference.

5.    Radio wave coverage:

(1) The radio station location and radio wave’s coverage diagram (the drawing and chart’s peripheries shall come with topographical drawing, photocopied maps or electronic maps including longitude and altitude data).

(2) Description of the measurement evaluation data, which shall include various radio frequencies’ radio wave (³-125dBm) coverage perimeters used in various experimentation areas and the perimeters of areas for conducting the experimentation.

Article 9-1    The submitted application for the establishment of an Academic and Education Telecommunications Network shall not be returned. Applications or a proposal of the establishment that is deemed incomplete shall be informed with prescribed corrective action to be undertaken within a period of time; those who have not undertaken the required corrective action within the prescribed period of time shall be rejected.

Article 10     Upon receipt of the application for the establishment of an Academic and Education Telecommunications Network, the competent authority shall verify the following items:

1.    The establishment purpose and benefit.

2.    The geographical range and the valid period of establishment, conditions of use, and the method of sharing the costs of network construction or maintenance and operation together with reasons.

3.    Feasibility of the network construction and construction schedule.

4.    Contributions to academic standard, popularization of education or the development of telecommunications industries in Taiwan.

5.    Network stability, security, and administrator’s capacity for the maintenance and operation.

6.    Whether the proposal violates the items established by these Regulations.

The competent authority may decide to delete items or contents of the proposal for establishment.

When frequencies and the geographical range of the network establishment that are arranged by several applicants overlap, the applicant with the greater quantity in cooperating entities shall have priority for approval. If necessary, the competent authority shall request applicants to resolve an overlapping issue within a prescribed period of time.

A certificate of the approval for the network establishment shall be issued by the competent authority.

Use of frequency shall be  harmonized and effective as a matter of principle. The applicant or administrator shall use the frequencies according to the establishment proposal the competent authority has reviewed and approved.

Due to the need for telecommunications development, the competent authority may request the applicant or the administrator to change or cease using frequencies, in part or as a whole, to which the applicant or the administrator may not refuse or request for compensation.

Following such request of the competent authority to change or cease using frequencies, the applicant or the administrator, when in need of using other radio frequencies, shall file for an alternative establishment proposal according to provisions set forth under Paragraph 2, Article 12.

Article 11     If the application to establish an Academic and Education Telecommunications Network fall under any one of the following circumstances, and remain unresolved after receiving a prescribed period of time from the competent authority to undertake corrective action, it shall be rejected:

1.    Those that violate Paragraph 1, Article 4.

2.    Those that violate Article 5.

3.    Those that violate Article 7.

Article 12     The applicant or administrator shall adhere to the establishment schedule approved by the competent authority; should operation of a radio station is needed, it shall be conducted in accordance with Article 22.

When making a change to the establishment schedule, the applicant or administrator shall state the reasons and submit the changed proposal and information to the competent authority for approval. If approved, a certificate of approval for network establishment or a license for the establishment and operation of network shall be issued in exchange of.

The term of validity of the certificate of approval for network establishment or the license for the establishment and operation of network as stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall be the same as the original copies.

Article 13     The certificate of approval for network establishment of the Academic and Education Telecommunications Network shall be valid for a period of one year.

Should the applicant not complete the establishment of the proposed Academic and Education Telecommunications Network within the valid period of the certificate of approval, the applicant may state the reasons and apply to the competent authority for an extension one month prior to the expiration; the extension period may not exceed one year and shall be limited to once only.

Should the applicant abort the establishment of the network within the valid period of the certificate of approval, the applicant shall state the reasons and submit the established radio station list or network status data to the competent authority for future reference and also have the competent authority revoke the certificate of approval for network establishment.

If network establishment has not be completed within the valid period of the certificate of approval or should the competent authority revoke approval of the network establishment, the applicant shall promptly abort the establishment,  dismantle relevant equipment,  and act in accordance with the provisions set forth under Paragraph 3, Article 35.

Article 14     Those who apply to establish an Academic and Education Telecommunications Network as well as complete a schedule of the approved construction shall examine and provide a test report of the network security with self-assessment (format as Attachment 4) to the competent authority for approval, which afterward issues a license for the establishment and operation of network.

Article 15    A license for the establishment and operation of Academic and Education Telecommunications Network shall illustrate the following items:

1.    Name of the establishment for Telecommunications network, Administrator Name and Address

2.    The type of established Telecommunications network

3.    The geographical range of the establishment

4.    The terms of service agreement or number of subscribers

5.    The used frequency Band

6.    The term of validity

7.    Licensed date

Article 16          Those who apply to establish an Experiment, Research and Development Telecommunications Network shall fall under one of the following qualifications:

1.    Telecommunications or broadcasting/television businesses.

2.    Corporations or public and private research institutions that have committed to related research or manufacturing of telecommunications network and radio communications.

3.    Educational organizations that have established related departments or institutes of telecommunications, radio communications or information.

Article 17     Those who apply to establish an Experiment, Research and Development Telecommunication Network and have applied for radio frequency shall be limited to a maximum of 100 subscribers. Nevertheless, those who are approved by the competent authority shall not be limited herein.

Article 18     Those who apply to establish an Experiment, Research and Development Telecommunications Network (as Attachment 1) shall inspect and provide the following documents to apply to the competent authority.

1.    Application (as Attachment 2).

2.    A proposal of the establishment.

3.    Documents that apply to establish an organization or a photocopy of certificate for the registration of corporation.

4.    A CD-Rom containing the application in digitized documents (either PDF or ODF format).

Article 19     A proposal of the establishment under Subparagraph 2 of Paragraph 1 of the preceding article shall include the following items:

1.    The purpose and benefits of establishment.

2.    Experimental items and methods.

3.    The geographical range and the valid period of the establishment, the number of users, method of collecting equipment deposits, and reasons.

4.    Terms of service agreements or contracts for the users.

5.    Methods of network communication and a diagram of system configuration; if interconnecting with other networks, a diagram of interconnection configuration shall also be attached.

6.    Construction project, schedule and expected costs of network system.

7.    Technical research or list of  items of telecommunications service that can be provided.

8.    A concrete proposal on research, development, test or the collection of related data.

9.    A concrete proposal to cooperate with domestic industries, authorities and academic circles.

10. A proposal for the use of radio frequency (excluded if not operating on radio frequencies).

Subparagraph 10 of the preceding paragraph regarding radio frequency use proposals shall state the following matters with relevant proof of documentation data:

1.    The radio station establishment proposal and quantity list.

2.    A proposal of use of radio frequency, including various frequencies, frequency bandwidth and transmission power used in various experimentation areas.

3.    Air interface specifications.

4.    The mechanism for the prevention of interference.

5.    Radio wave coverage:

(1) The radio station location and a diagram of the area covered by radio waves (drawing and chart’s peripheries shall come with topographical drawing, photocopied maps or electronic maps with longitude and altitude).

(2) Description of the measurement evaluation data, which shall include various radio frequencies of radio wave (³-125dBm) coverage perimeters used in various experimentation areas and the perimeters of areas for conducting the experiments.

Article 20     For those who apply to establish an Experiment, Research and Development Telecommunications Network, matters such as the review items, approval criteria, items not to be granted approval, network construction, application to change and the procedure of the approval, license issuance as well as items to be recorded  on the license may be in accordance with stipulations in Article 9-1, Article 10, Subparagraph 2 of Article 11, Article 12, Article 14, and Article 15.

Article 21     The valid period of the approval for an Experiment, Research and Development Telecommunications Network shall be six months.

Should the applicant not complete the establishment of the proposed Experiment, Research and Development Telecommunications Network within the valid period of the certificate of approval for  network establishment, the applicant may state the reasons and apply to the competent authority for an extension, one month prior to the expiration; the extension period may not exceed three months and shall be limited to once only.

Should the applicant abort the establishment of the network within the valid period of the certificate of approval for network establishment, the applicant shall state the reasons and submit the established radio station list or network status data to the competent authority for future reference and also have the competent authority revoke the certificate of approval for network establishment.

If network establishment has not be completed within the valid period of the certificate of approval for network establishment or should the competent authority revoke the certificate of approval for network establishment , the applicant shall promptly abort the establishment , dismantle relevant equipment, and  act in accordance with the provisions set forth under Paragraph 3, Article 35.

Article 22     For those who apply to establish an Academic and Education or an Experiment, Research and Development Telecommunications Network shall gain approval for a radio station establishment permit from the  competent authority prior to establishment of a radio station; the network shall begin operations upon passing inspection and being issued with a radio station license.

In the preceding paragraph, the established radio station equipment that falls under a low power radio waves radiated device with obtained type approval certification, declaration of conformity(DOC) and simplified DOC shall state so in the establishment proposal to be exempt from applying for the radio station establishment permit and a radio station license.

Article 23     An applicant applying to establish a radio station shall submit the following documentation to the competent authority:

1.    Application Form for the Establishment of a Radio Station (Attachment 5).

2.    Photocopy of the certificate of approval for network establishment or the license for the establishment and operation of network.

3.    The radio station equipment catalogs.

4.    An affidavit (Attachment 6).

The valid period to establish a radio station in the preceding paragraph shall not exceed six months.

When applying for the establishment of more than one radio station as per Paragraph 1, the applicant or the administrator shall submit the radio station establishment list in the order of their numbering.

Should the applicant not complete the establishment of the radio station within the valid period, the applicant may state the reasons and apply to the competent authority for an extension one month prior to the expiration; the extension period may not exceed three months and shall be limited to once only.

The applicant or the administrator establishing the radio station shall obtain legal rights and proof of legal source certification-related documentation for using the radio station equipment, and shall prepare for examination by the competent authority when performing the radio station inspection.

Of the radio station establishment involving station building or establishment location’s structural safety, fire safety, site rights, and related matters, the applicant or the administrator shall implement the matters in accordance with provisions set forth under the Law of Architecture, Fire Code, as well as other laws and regulations.

The applicant or the administrator signing the affidavit matters as stated according to Paragraph 1 shall submit a separate affidavit  in the case of an update or change.

The applicant or the administrator who aborts the establishment within the valid period of the radio station establishment permit, shall report to the competent authority for future reference, and also have the competent authority revoke the radio station establishment permit.

Should the establishment of the radio station not yet be completed  after expiration of the radio station establishment permit or when the competent authority has revoked the radio station establishment permit, the applicant or the administrator shall cease operating the established radio station, and the radio equipment, except on lease, on loan or otherwise stipulated by law, as per relevant provisions set forth under the Administrative Regulations on the Controlled Telecommunications Radio-Frequency Devices.

Article 24     In addition to a short-term test that applies to the competent authority pursuant to the regulations or technical inspection that the competent authority conducts on the spot, a radio stations shall not transmit radio wave during the period of station establishment. The period of short-term test shall not exceed five (5) days at most.

Article 25     The applicant or administrator that completes the establishment of a radio station shall file for approval to the competent authority, which shall issue a radio station license after the station passes the required inspection.

The term of validity for the radio station in the preceding paragraph shall be limited to six months; however, it may not exceed the effective valid period of the  license for the establishment and operation of network, obtained under Article 30.

Those who still intend to operate the radio station after expiration of the radio station license shall attach and state the reasons and apply to the competent authority for a reissue one month prior to its expiration. The competent authority may conduct a re-inspection prior to issuing a new license.

The term of validity for a new license in the preceding paragraph shall be calculated from the next day of expiration of the former one; the terms of validity shall be defined by Paragraph 2.

Article 26     Applicants or administrators who have acquired a permit to establish a radio station or a radio station license shall put up a photocopy of documents immediately to the location with a conspicuous view for verification.

Article 27     Should the applicant or the administrator change the radio station’s establishment site, where the radio waves’ coverage has not exceeded the approved experimentation area following the change, shall submit the application form for the establishment of a radio station, according to one of the following circumstances:

1.    To report it to the competent authority for future reference, within the valid radio station establishment permit period.

2.    To apply to competent authority for a license reissue, within the radio station license’s valid period.  The radio station license’s effective period shall be the same as the previous license.

The applicant or the administrator, prior to changing the model number of equipment, frequency of the transmission, increase of power or bandwidth of the radio station shall do so according to Article 23 through Article 25.

The applicant or the administrator, prior to changing the frequency of the transmission of the radio station, power or bandwidth exceeding the approved figure indicated on the certificate of approval for network establishment, or the change of established radio station sites to result in the coverage of radio waves exceeding the approved experimentation area, shall first file for a change of the network establishment proposal according to provisions set forth under Paragraph 2, Article 12.

When changes to the radio stations fall under the scope of data correction or equipment change prior to a radio station inspection, or when the changes in the establishment site falls under the same street number but in a different building, the applicant shall report to the competent authority for future reference.

The applicant or the administrator, when relocating the radio station to a nearby establishment site for a short term in support of testing needs, where the radio waves’ coverage does not exceed the approved experimentation area, shall report to the competent authority for future reference, provided that the period may not exceed fifteen days.

When submitting an  application to  change the radio station site as per Paragraph 1, change data as per  Paragraph 4, or short-term relocation as per Paragraph 5 which involve more than one radio station, the applicant or the administrator shall submit the radio station change list in the order of their numbering.

Article 28     Antenna or pylon used by radio stations shall not violate safety criteria of flight and the related regulations on construction.

Article 29     The radio station establishment permit granted to an applicant or administrator shall be revoked by the competent authority in any one of the following circumstances:

1.    The certificate of approval for network establishment has been revoked or abolished.

2.    Failure to adhere to affidavit matter or submission of untrue affidavit as stipulated under Paragraph1, Article 23.

3.    Violation of Paragraph 1, Article 31, barring the radio station license from transferring, leasing or loaning.

The applicant or the administrator, at the time when ceasing operating the radio station during the radio station license’s valid period, shall report to the competent authority for future reference, and also have the competent authority revoke the radio station establishment permit.

Should the radio station license has expired and the administrator has not gained license renewal as regulated or the competent authority has revoked the radio station establishment permit, the applicant or the administrator shall promptly cease operating, and shall also dismantle the development radio station equipment. The radio equipment, except on lease, on loan or otherwise stipulated by law, shall be handled in accordance with relevant regulations set forth under the Administrative Regulations on the Controlled Telecommunications Radio-Frequency Devices.

Article 30     The term of validity of the license for the establishment and operation of network for an Academic and Education Telecommunications Network shall be limited to a maximum of five years.

Those who intend to continue to use when the term of validity for a radio station license has expired shall state reasons and submit an establishment proposal to the competent authority for reissue three months prior to the expiration date. Upon approval, the competent authority shall issue a new license.

As per preceding paragraph, should any of the following circumstances occur when applying for a reissuing of the license for the establishment and operation of network, the application shall be rejected:

1.    The applicant fails to present a license renewal application within the preceding paragraph’s specified period.

2.    The documentation for application is incomplete, and remains incomplete after being given a prescribed period of time to undertake corrective action.

In regard to Paragraph 2, when applying for a reissue for the license for the establishment and operation of network, the competent authority shall not approve if the original goal of establishment purpose has been fulfilled and a renewal is deemed unnecessary.

The valid period of the license for the establishment and operation of network for an Experiment, Research and Development Telecommunications Network shall not exceed one year.

When there is still a need for conducting experiment, research and development after the term of validity of the license in the preceding paragraph expires, the applicant or administrator shall state reasons and submit an establishment proposal to the competent authority for reissue one month prior to the expiration date. Upon approval for the reissue, the competent authority shall issue a new license.

In the preceding paragraph, should any of the following occur when applying for reissuing of the license for the establishment and operation of network, the competent authority shall reject the application:

1.    The applicant fails to present a license renewal application within the preceding paragraph’s specified period.

2.    The documentation for application is incomplete, and remains incomplete after being given a prescribed period of time to undertake corrective action.

Regarding Paragraph 6, applying for renewal of the license for the establishment and operation of network shall be rejected, should any of the following circumstances occur:

1.    There are no newly added experimentation items and has been deemed unnecessary to extend the current experimentation items.

2.    The experimentation items have already been provided by commercial telecommunications networks.

The term of validity of a renewed license for the establishment and operation of network in accordance with Paragraph 2 and 6 shall be calculated from the next day of expiration of the former one.

Article 31     A radio station license and the license for the establishment and operation of network for Academic and Education, or Experiment, Research and Development Telecommunication Network shall not be transferred, leased or lent to the third party.

The license in the preceding paragraph that is lost or damaged shall apply to the competent authority with reasons for reissue; when the recorded items are changed, they shall apply to renew.

The term of validity for licenses that are reissued or renewed pursuant to the preceding paragraph shall be the same as the former ones.

Article 32     The administrator shall conclude the terms of service agreement  on the provided telecommunications network services, which shall come into effect after public announcement; when changed, they shall also be the same.

The agreement set forth in the preceding paragraph shall clearly state that the services to be used are temporary and experimental, and that the subscribers have no obligations to subscribe to any telecommunications services operated by the administrators in the future.

Article 33     The Academic and Education, or Experiment, Research and Development Telecommunication Network shall not interconnect with any Telecommunications networks. If one of the following situations occurs and is approved by the competent authority, there shall not be limited herein:

1.    Emergency communication for land, marine and air transportation distress and rescue, and the traffic safety of meteorology for aviation.

2.    The necessity of conducting emergency communication to maintain national security, public order or public interests.

3.    Communication to cooperate with the rescue operations of natural disasters, incidents or emergency situations.

4.    Others approved by the competent authority on a case-by-case basis.

The administrator and Telecommunications business of interconnection shall negotiate network interconnection in the preceding proviso.

Article 34     If administrators occur one of the following situations, besides punishment from this Regulation, the competent authority shall annul the approval for the establishment and operation of network as well as cancel the license for the establishment and operation of network :

1.    Those who violate Paragraph 1, Article 6.

2.    Those who shall refuse one of the situations in Article 11 or Article 20 to allow for Article 11.

3.    Those who violate Paragraph 1, Article 31.

4.    Those who violate Paragraph 1, Article 33.

Article 35     When terminating network operation prior to the expiration  of the license for the establishment and operation of network , the administrator shall report to the competent authority with reasons for future reference and for the competent authority to revoke the permit for network establishment.

When the term of validity of a license for the establishment and operation of network expires and a license renewal pursuant to the regulation is not available, or the approval of the establishment is rejected by the competent authority, the administrator shall immediately cease construction or make use of that network and radio frequency and dismantle the established network equipment.

In the preceding paragraph, of the dismantled equipment that belongs to a radio station, except on lease, on loan or otherwise stipulated by law, should be  handled pursuant to Administrative Regulations on the Controlled Telecommunications Radio-Frequency Devices.

Article 36     The competent authority shall dispatch the personnel with a certificate to verify Telecommunications network equipment built by administrators and look up the related documents.

Administrators shall  submit a report to the competent authority on the achievements of network utilizaiton in one (1) month of the day to terminate network utilization, including parameters or data of each measurement, records, statistics, and analysis.

With a requirement to monitor telecommunications activities, the competent authority may disclose the achievements of network utilization submitted by administrators.

Article 37    Administrators shall take necessary measures,  to ensure not to interfere the legally established Telecommunications network and radio station; when interference occurs, the competent authority shall order administrators to stop operating temporarily; if those who don’t follow mandates to conduct, the competent authority shall annul the approval of the network establishment.

Article 38     Those who apply to establish an Academic and Education or Experiment, Research and Development Telecommunication Network shall pay a review fee, an inspection fee and a certificate fee, respectively, to the competent authority with the operation of applying for a review, inspection and certificate pursuant to fare criteria established by the competent authority; also they shall pay radio frequency usage fees to the competent authority for frequency applied to use from the day assigned by the competent authority pursuant to fare criteria established by the competent authority.

Article 39    Telecommunications radio-frequency equipment that is manufactured, imported, established, possessed or displayed in public by applicants or administrators shall be handled pursuant to Administrative Regulations on the Controlled Telecommunications Radio-Frequency Devices.

Article 40    Before this Regulation is promulgated to come into force, an Academic and Education, or Experiment, Research and Development Telecommunication Network which has been approved by the competent authority on a case-by-case basis to establish and is still being used the administrator shall apply for a license for the establishment and operation of network within 3 months of this Regulation's promulgation.

Article 41     Those who establish radio station for the academic experiment and practical training of school broadcasting shall follow Administrative Regulations of Academic, Experimental Radio Stations and Administrative Regulations on the Establishment and use of Wireless Broadcasting Station for  School Training.

Article 42     Those who violate this Regulation shall be punished pursuant to this Act.

Article 43     This Regulation shall come into effect as of the date of promulgation.









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