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Research Reports in 2020

Issue Date:2021/10/21

Rethinking the Regulatory Policy of TV News Channels from the Digital Convergence Perspective中文

The purpose of this project aims to analyze the development and regulatory policies of the TV news channel industry in the Digital Convergence Era, which including analysis the law and policy systems of different countries and Taiwan. With the rapid development of the Internet, the sources and ways of receiving news by audiences have become more diverse, and traditional TV news media are facing new challenges and opportunities. In order to understand industrial changes and related policies, the objective of this study is to analyze the policies of various countries in order to put forward policy recommendations for our government.

This study is expected to use five major research methods, including literature analysis, case analysis, in-depth interviews, focus group interviews and comparative methods. Through the analysis of relevant literature and information, our goal is to understand the policy development experience of various countries. And through in-depth interviews and focus group interviews to conduct opinions of our country's TV news channel operators. Finally, comparison of domestic and foreign policy systems puts forward conclusions and suggestions in order to fulfill the goal of this study.

In the end, the study found that with the rapid development of broadband networks, various TV news stations have begun to expand their online news services, and this has caused a certain degree of impact on news production processes, which include the news sources and news routines of reporter’s daily works. Although traditional TV media all operate online news, this study believes that TV news is not directly equivalent to online news. The news media industry will adjust the content of online news according to the technical characteristics of digital technology and social media platforms. Traditional TV news operators face diversified competition and challenges, including online news media, OTT TV and other diversified services, making news services more varied and diverse.

Therefore, in terms of the supervision policy of TV news channels, this study believes that there should be more discussions on Internet news and TV news to understand the differences between two of them.

First of all, this study compares the supervision policies of various countries on TV news channels and finds that there are some common points, such as the supervision of TV news through the law and TV licenses. In addition, the supervision of civic groups and the self-regulation of the industry also play an important role.

Taiwan currently regulates television news through TV licenses and re-new licenses process. In other hand, civic group supervision and industry self-regulation also important to supervise the procedure of TV news. However, if we compare the experience of various countries and refer to the opinions of experts and scholars, if we want to further improve the existing policies, this research suggests that the goal of deepening administrative transparency may be considered.

For example, publicizing the cases of arbitration over the past years, strengthening media literacy related education and training, and promoting cooperation between industrial unions, etc., these methods may improve the existing supervision measures of TV news and reduce the administrative cost of government agencies.

In terms of TV news content, this research suggests that in addition to the existing monitoring mechanism, citizen groups or industry associations may be fostered to work together, such as setting standards for the production of TV programs to improve the quality of TV content. Taking the TV rating system as an example, Taiwan may also refer to the experience of the United States or Australia and let the industry establish a TV rating system and supervise each other to improve the quality of TV content.

Finally, in the supervision of online news, considering that the development of online news is still very diverse and difficult to define, this research believes that the management of online media should not be rushed, but should be gradual and coordinated with related amendments.  Self-discipline and civic group supervision should be given priority, and the law should be the last measure for news content supervision. This study puts forward the above policy recommendations, hoping to help Taiwanese government agencies improve the monitoring mechanism of TV news under the digital convergence.


Keywords:TV News Channel, Online Journalism, Self-Regulation, Media Policy

  • Rethinking the Regulatory Policy of TV News Channels from the Digital Convergence Perspective
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