Duties, Missions, and Authorities
Duties, Missions and Authorities of NCC
Duties of NCC
- Accommodating the convergence of technology
- Promoting the sound development of communications
- Safeguarding the rights of citizens
- Protecting the interests of consumers
- Promoting cultural diversity
Missions of NCC
- Promoting the healthy development of communications
- Preserving the independence of the media
- Exercising regulation on communications effectively
- Ensuring fair and effective competition in the communications market
- Protecting the consumer and respect the rights of the disadvantaged
- Promoting the balanced development of cultural diversity
NCC Authorities
- Developing regulatory policies & regulations
- Processing applications for licenses
- Overseeing communications operations
- Regulating content of broadcasting
- Assigning radio frequency and numbers
- Setting engineering and technical specifications and conducting type-approval
- Setting info-communications security standards and regulations
- Protecting consumers’ interests
- Engaging in international matters relating to communications operation